Veterans Shine in League State Tournament

Golfers from four different Military Golf Leagues from across Michigan gathered at American Dunes in late September to play their own state tournament.

General manager Doug Bell shared that four teams each from Grand Rapids, Gaylord, Ludington and Great Lakes Bay played in the 2-person team scramble, with handicaps, and they had a perfect CAVU day with calm winds to enjoy the course.

“The fortunate winning team plays out of Pilgrim’s Run Golf Course and represents Grand Rapids,” Bell said. “This wonderful group of veterans and the staff at Pilgrim’s Run also collected and donated $5,200 to Folds of Honor at the end of their season long league.”

Pilgrim’s Run head pro Michael Rey started the veterans-based leagues state tournament. This was year two.

“We see the need for this because there are a lot of people who struggle with PTSD and other syndromes and they want to play with like-people and be able to open up and tell their stories,” Rey said. “I wanted to make sure these players had a place to go with like people. If they tell me the issues they are having, I don’t know how to respond to that because I don’t know what they faced (while serving). But if they can confide in other Veterans, they’ll be able to help in a certain way (that I can’t).”

Rey admitted they are hoping for more leagues from around the state to get started. “We have a good system on how to run it and we’re looking for others to jump on board.”

At Pilgrim’s Run in the summer-long league, Veterans green fees are covered by the course’s Military Mulligans Campaign found on the first tee box. Anyone who takes a mulligan can donate to the Veteran’s League, any amount. Future funding options will help pay for golf equipment for Veterans, especially those participating in the PGA HOPE program.


College Corner: Eastern Michigan University


Tournament Results