GAM Team Tops PGA Team to Win 50th Fuller Cup Matches

The Golf Association of Michigan (GAM) team topped the Michigan Section PGA team for the 5th consecutive time in the 50th Fuller Cup Matches, at Red Run Golf Club. The GAM’s 12 ½ - 5 ½ victory in the Ryder Cup-lie format pulled the state’s top amateur golfers closer in the all-time series that the PGA leads 34-14-2.

Mike Anderson of Northville, Chet Vandenberg of Portage, Pierce Morrissey of Canadian Lakes and MSU’s golf team, Greg Davies of West Bloomfield and August Meekhof of Eastmanville and also of MSU each helped account for two points for the GAM team by helping win four-ball morning matches and then winning afternoon singles matches.

The PGA’s Adam Schumacher of Point O’Woods Golf & Country Club was the only two-point scorer for the PGA team.


GAM Mike Anderson def. PGA Kyle Dobbs, 2 and 1

GAM Chet Vandenberg def. PGA Wally Sierakowski, 5 and 3

GAM John Quigley and PGA Kyle Martin, TIED

GAM Anthony Sorentino def. PGA Josh Fryer, 1-up

PGA Tim Pearce def. GAM Will Anderson, 2 and 1

GAM Pierce Morrissey def. PGA Kosta Ramirez, 2 and 1

GAM Patrick Deardorff def. PGA Cody Haughton, 1-up

PGA Adam Schumacher def. GAM David Szymanski, 1-up

GAM Greg Davies def. PGA Ron Beurmann, 4 and 3

GAM Matt Zerbel and PGA Jim Deiters, TIED

PGA Scott Hebert def. GAM Bradley Smithson, 3 and 2

GAM August Meekhof def. PGA Brian Cairns, 6 and 5


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