GAM Foundation Surpasses $1 Million for Youth on Course

By Greg Johnson

The Michigan golf season enjoyed an extension with good fall weather, golfers flocked to courses and the Golf Association of Michigan Foundation’s Youth on Course program reached a major milestone.

“I have big news to share,” said Foundation Director Laura Bavaird in a recent note to foundation board members and staff. “After October's incredible weather the GAM Foundation has surpassed the $1 million in subsidies mark. This is truly an unbelievable moment for our grassroots foundation, and I am beyond proud to be here for it.”

The GAM’s Youth on Course involvement – which was started in 2017 by now retired Executive Director David Graham and GAM Foundation members after learning of the national Youth on Course model – has subsidized participating golf courses $1,004,115, including a record $253,535 in 2024.

The YoC model allows youth golfers ages 6 to 18 to play golf rounds at the participating courses for $5 or less. The GAM Foundation works with the courses and clubs to subsidize them for taking part in the grow-the-game initiative.

Last year, 11,520 YoC Michigan members played 45,311 rounds and hit 3,754 buckets of balls at 100 participating facilities, which means in the eight years of Youth on Course Michigan, 51,967 members have been involved in 172,108 rounds and buckets of balls hit combined. Those numbers have added up to reaching $1 million in subsidies.

   “I’m excited we have taken a program handed off to staff by previous staff and volunteers who had a great vision to this level,” said current GAM Executive Director Chis Whitten. “The numbers prove they were right to help junior golfers and take the GAM’s relationship with member courses and clubs to another level as well.”

Bavaird believes the Youth on Course magic is in providing a bridge to the golf courses from partner programs like First Tee and TGA (Teach-Grow-Achieve).

“First Tee, TGA, they are the boots on the ground introducing and teaching golf, and we are step two, giving an affordable option to practice and play and use the skills they have learned,” she said.  


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