Distinguished Service: Lee Juett of Bloomfield Hills Receives GAM Honor

Lee Juett of Bloomfield Hills, who has served the Golf Association of Michigan in various volunteer roles including president over the last three decades, was named the recipient of the 2022 Distinguished Service Award.

“I was surprised when I received the call and honored for sure,” Juett said. “It’s not something that was part of a plan. I’ve lived long enough and volunteered long enough that it seems these kind of things happen, and I’m very pleased.”

Ken Hartmann, senior director of competitions and USGA services for the GAM, said, “He’s been a great ambassador for Michigan golf and for us at Oakland Hills. He’s always supported the Evans Scholars, he likes working with the turfgrass guys and realizes how important they are to golf. You can also count on him to always have a great perspective on things, be level-headed and see both sides.”

Juett stepped up to manage the U.S. Amateur when it was played at Oakland Hills in 2016 and was masterful in the role.


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